Wednesday, 15 December 2010

There Is Only The Future

Dear all,
William Gibson once wrote that "the future is here, it's just not widely distributed yet". I don't think I could describe it better. We increasingly live in the future that we were predicting yesterday. The first year of this blog have passed quite successfully. But I feel that communicating information that is already available in so many different sources is not constructive. Sites like Engaget, Gizmodo, Popular Science and hundreds of others can bring you up to date with the techno-noise of our times. I decided to evolve in different direction.

I realized that I find it enjoyable to elaborate on alternative futures. So from now on, it's going to be only about the future. About things that don't exist yet, but that are possible or even just conceivable. It will be a science-fiction-post-modern-cyber-punk blended mix on reality, technology, politics, economy, culture and whatever else oscillates in my childish geek brain areas.

I decided to start distributing the future not present. 

Because at the end of the day, there is ONLY the Future.

Best wishes,
Geek On Acid

Monday, 13 December 2010

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Europe After 12 Months Of Heavy Winter

It all started on the 1st of December 2010. Freezing temperatures recorded around entire North Europe, with Poland registering a record minus 26 celsius degrees in a town Bialystok. One of the first severe victims of the longest winter in the human history was UK, with Germany and France joining shortly after. Traffic jams long for miles. Abandoned cars and lorries. Disrupted flights and railway connections. Closed schools. Over the first month, with temperatures averaging between -5 and -30 degrees accompanied by heavy snowing, the Apocalypse Winter slowly paralyzed the entire continent. Some of the major airports including Heathrow, Schonefeld, Geneva and Charles De Gaulle, were shut permanently without further notice, after a series of severe technical failures. Most of the remaining airports followed the same measures shortly after. 

Railway system in UK became virtually useless after 2 weeks, and in the rest of Europe after 2 months. Main highway arteries across the entire Europe become unaccessible. The number of people frozen to death increased by 350% only after a month. Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Cyprus closed their borders after a two months, and withdrawn from European Union after three months, tightly securing themselves from the enormous immigration from the remaining EU countries. European Parliment decleared a state of emergency, deploying UN and NATO solders with heavy equipment to help dealing with increasingly chaotic situation. The food supplies across the Europe started to shrink with prices sharply increasing on the daily bases. Also, the gas supplies started to drain as Russia suffered most extreme, arctic conditions in the centuries, affecting the entire industry and infrastructure of gas and oil export. Looting and crime increased rapidly by 245% in all major cities. Alcohol consumption raised on average by 860% across entire Europe, with record rise by 1350% in Poland followed by 1250% in Scotland.

Share prices for most of the European companies crashed, but energy and food suppliers recorded enormous profits, and became virtually countries within countries, with heavy lobbing to compulsory regulate resources distribution. After five months, US, China, Australia, South Africa and Saudi Arabia joined forces to help Europe dealing with the spiraling crisis, that was increasingly getting out of control, deploying joint peaceful forces of over 60,000 solders with enormous equipment infrastructure. Sea and river routes have become a major channels of transport. 

Against the energy companies lobby, with heavy investments from EU and Research Councils, cheap low-energy supply solutions reached the commercial markets after only four months, giving millions of people much higher chances of survival. Energy saving schemes and food rationing have become compulsory after enormous influx of people from the countryside to the major cities. All European currencies including Euro have become worthless after six months, with 95% of banks falling apart, while barter and direct exchange of goods become standard, together with governments' issued food and energy vouchers. 

During six months of freezing conditions, external crops growing become impossible. Transgenetically modified home growing became a legal standard with widespread support from local councils and universities. Additionally, a breakthrough from Agricultural University of Krakow allowed to breed majority of farm animals combined with mutated genes from polar bears and penguins to allow them better withstand freezing temperatures. Some people started using hormonal designer drugs to grow more external hair, but they become illegal after correlation was found between hair grow drugs and increased aggression - starting a phenomenon called 'neoneanderthals'. 

And the live goes on.