You sit on the sofa, relax and you flick your finger - immediately projector in front of your turn on, and a tiny remote control icons are displayed on the skin of your arm. You tap the icons and switch the channels, another tap on the skin and you run some applications in background to get e-mails and news. Than you just flick your fingers, and display a nice table on your entire shoulder showing tunes that you have in your music library or list of movies. You 'click' your skin where the title is displayed...
This is Skinput - a new technology that will turn your skin into control surface. Researchers in Carnagie Mellon, in collaboration with Microsoft Research designed a sensor that will register vibrations and sound conducted by your skin. The sensor will also contain simple LED based projector, that will display icons, titles, whatever images you want on your skin, allowing you to control any devices around you. In the simplest format, you will be able to give commands to your devices only using simple finger taps, without even displaying anything on your skin. And mind you - this is Chris Harrison PhD project. Neat.
This is Skinput - a new technology that will turn your skin into control surface. Researchers in Carnagie Mellon, in collaboration with Microsoft Research designed a sensor that will register vibrations and sound conducted by your skin. The sensor will also contain simple LED based projector, that will display icons, titles, whatever images you want on your skin, allowing you to control any devices around you. In the simplest format, you will be able to give commands to your devices only using simple finger taps, without even displaying anything on your skin. And mind you - this is Chris Harrison PhD project. Neat.

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